Wales is a nation with a proud trade union history. Unite, Wales' largest trade union is at the forefront of modern 21st century trade unionism, representing workers in both the established and emerging sectors of the Welsh economy. Whether you are a bus driver in Anglesey or a fast food restaurant employee in Cardiff there is a place for you in Unite Wales.

Fighting for a better deal for our members at work is at the core of Unite's work in Wales. We will always defend our member's interests when they are under attack, whether this comes from unscrupulous employers or from Conservative Government legislation and policies imposed on Wales from London. Politically we work closely with the Welsh Labour Government and have been successful in ensuring anti-trade union legislation was not implemented in our country.

Whilst representing our members is our first priority we also provide a number of other key services and opportunities for our members. On this webpage you will find all the latest Unite Wales news, campaigns, contact information and developments from within the Nation.

As your union we will always do everything in our power to support you in today’s world of precarious work and bad bosses. Your concerns and worries are ours, as a member of Unite in Wales you are not on your own.  Unite does not simply want to create better workplaces but also to create a better society within Wales for today and for the future.